The Macquarie Alliance for Climate is a coalition of people and groups in the Hawkesbury and Blue Mountains who want to see Australia take urgent, meaningful action on climate change. We formed in 2021 and have representatives from a range of groups, including:

  • Hawkesbury Environment Network
  • Blue Mountains Conservation Society
  • Macquarie Electorate Student Climate Activists (MESCA)
  • Resilient Blue Mountains
  • The Gathering - A faith-community of the Uniting Church
  • Christians Together for Climate - Western Sydney & Blue Mountains
  • Hawkesbury Climate Action Network
  • Stop Adani Hawkesbury
  • Macquarie Action Group (GetUp Volunteers)
  • with more groups joining every week....

We are a non-partisan collaboration aiming to demonstrate to all federal political parties, that in the seat of Macquarie there is overwhelming support for urgent action on climate. And Macquarie is the most marginal Federal Electorate in Australia so our views matter.

Our goals are to demonstrate and grow support across the Hawkesbury and Blue Mountains for urgent action on climate change, and to advocate to our federal candidates that the people of Macquarie want and expect far better policies on climate change.

Our platform was developed by members of the organising team and endorsed by the groups above. We acknowledge that there is widespread support for far better climate policies in Australia, and there are a wide range of ways this could be achieved. With this platform we are seeking our common ground. The fundamentals that we all support, that if implemented, would see genuine, crucial progress on climate.

We have established a Volunteer Code that we ask all volunteers and members of the Organsing Team to follow.

If you or your organisation would like to get involved with Macquarie Alliance please fill in our Volunteer registration.