April 30, 2022 at 1:00pm
3 hrs 30 mins
Lower Blue Mountains
Will you join our friendly door knocking team?
Door knocking is a fun effective way to engage with people who might not normally come across our message - and it makes a big impression with the politicians we are advocating to.
Our aims with door knocking are to:
- Distribute Climate Action Now yard signs
- Collect signatures for our Open Letter to Candidates
- Have a friendly conversation with residents about climate change
You will be well supported with training beforehand, you will be working in teams and we will hold a relaxed debrief afterwards.
We are likely to be working in the lower Blue Mountains - by registering to attend you will receive follow up information about "how to door knock" and also where to meet on the day.
If you haven't yet signed up as a volunteer - please jump on here. We ask all our volunteers to read and agreed to our Volunteer Code.