When April 07, 2022 at 7:00pm 1 hr
Where Zoom - details will be emailed following registration

On Thursday 7 April Macquarie Alliance and Nature Conservation Council are hosting a door-knocking training zoom session.

There’s a big day of door-knocking across the country coming up - to get as many Climate Action Now signs into yards and on fences. We want all candidates and MPs to know that our community wants strong action on climate, and we want it now.

The training session will take you through the process, give you practical tips and show you how rewarding and how much fun it is chatting to people about an issue they care about and offering them a Climate Action Now sign.

There’s no better way get the climate message out than to knock on someone’s door and have a chat.

Join the door-knocking training session:

  • When: Thursday 7 April
  • Time: 7pm
  • Where: RSVP here to receive the zoom details.

Will you come?
Please check your spam or promotions folder for your email confirmation with event details